Chamomile roman, 100% Pure Essential Oil

Size: 10ml

5ml Infused with Organic Fractionated Coconut Oil
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Product Description

Irish Apothecary's Own Brand
100% Absolute Essential Oil

Roman Chamomile Pure Essential Oil is a member of the Asteraceae family. This oil has a sweet, herbaceous odour with a fresh fruity undertone and is classed as a middle note. Chamomile blends well with citrus, floral, spicy and woodsy oils.

Pure Roman chamomile essential oil, derived from the Chamaemelum nobile plant, has a distinctive and soothing aroma.


Here’s a detailed description of its scent profile:


Top Notes:

  • Fruity and Sweet: The initial aroma of Roman chamomile essential oil is characterized by a fruity, apple-like sweetness. This top note is fresh and inviting, offering a gentle and pleasant fragrance that is immediately noticeable.


Middle Notes:

  • Floral and Herbaceous: As the top notes fade, the aroma develops into a more pronounced floral and herbaceous profile. The floral notes are soft and sweet, with a subtle, delicate quality that evokes the scent of chamomile flowers in full bloom. The herbaceous aspect adds a green, slightly grassy undertone, which balances the sweetness and adds depth to the fragrance.


Base Notes:

  • Warm and Earthy: The base notes of Roman chamomile essential oil are warm and slightly earthy. There’s a subtle, grounding quality that complements the sweet and floral middle notes. The earthy undertone provides a sense of stability and warmth, anchoring the overall scent profile.


Overall Characteristics

  • Soothing and Calming: The overall aroma of Roman chamomile essential oil is soothing and calming. It has a gentle, comforting quality that promotes relaxation and stress relief.
  • Well-Balanced: The fragrance is well-balanced, with a harmonious blend of fruity sweetness, floral delicacy, and warm earthiness. This balanced profile makes it versatile for various aromatic and therapeutic uses.


Descriptive Analogies

  • Gentle Garden Breeze: Imagine a gentle breeze passing through a garden of blooming chamomile flowers, carrying with it a blend of sweet apple and soft floral notes, mixed with a touch of fresh green grass.
  • Calming Herbal Tea: The aroma can be likened to a cup of soothing chamomile tea, where the initial fruity sweetness blends with floral and herbaceous undertones, creating a relaxing and comforting experience.


Usage Contexts

  1. Relaxation and Stress Relief:
    • Diffusion: Use Roman chamomile essential oil in a diffuser to create a calming atmosphere. Its soothing aroma is ideal for unwinding after a long day or for relaxation during meditation or yoga.
  2. Skincare:
    • Topical Application: When diluted with a carrier oil, Roman chamomile essential oil can be applied to the skin to help calm irritation and inflammation. Its gentle, floral aroma adds a pleasant sensory experience to skincare routines.
  3. Sleep Support:
    • Bedtime Routine: Add a few drops of Roman chamomile essential oil to a diffuser before bedtime to promote restful sleep. Its calming fragrance helps create a serene environment conducive to sleep.
  4. Aromatic Bath:
    • Relaxing Soak: Add a few drops of Roman chamomile essential oil to a warm bath mixed with a carrier oil or bath salts. The soothing aroma enhances the relaxation experience and supports overall well-being.


Pure Roman chamomile essential oil has a distinctive and comforting aroma characterized by fruity sweetness, delicate floral notes, and warm, earthy undertones. Its soothing and well-balanced fragrance makes it an excellent choice for promoting relaxation, enhancing sleep, and providing a calming sensory experience in various applications.

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Roman chamomile essential oil, derived from Chamaemelum nobile (formerly known as Anthemis nobilis), has a rich history that spans centuries and cultures. Here’s a detailed look at the history of Roman chamomile essential oil:


1. Ancient Uses

  • Ancient Egypt: Roman chamomile was highly valued in ancient Egyptian medicine. It was used as a remedy for a variety of ailments, including digestive issues, skin conditions, and respiratory problems. The Egyptians regarded it as a sacred plant and incorporated it into their rituals and offerings.
  • Ancient Greece and Rome: The Greeks and Romans also held Roman chamomile in high esteem. In ancient Greece, it was used to treat a range of conditions, from digestive disorders to inflammatory issues. The Roman physician Dioscorides documented its uses in his herbal compendium De Materia Medica, noting its efficacy in treating fevers, anxiety, and skin conditions.


2. Medieval Europe

  • Herbal Medicine: During the medieval period, Roman chamomile became a staple in European herbal medicine. Monastic gardens often cultivated it, and it was widely used for its calming and anti-inflammatory properties. Herbalists of the time recommended it for various ailments, including digestive problems, insomnia, and skin irritations.
  • Folk Remedies: Roman chamomile was commonly used in folk remedies throughout Europe. Its soothing and therapeutic properties were recognized for treating everything from colds and flu to menstrual cramps and anxiety.


3. Renaissance and Early Modern Period

  • Scientific Study: The Renaissance period saw a renewed interest in botanical studies, and Roman chamomile continued to be a subject of scientific and herbal investigation. Its uses were documented in various herbal texts, and it was increasingly recognized for its therapeutic potential.
  • Pharmacopoeias: By the 17th and 18th centuries, Roman chamomile was included in pharmacopoeias and medical references. It was valued for its essential oil, which was used in a range of medicinal and cosmetic preparations.


4. 19th and 20th Centuries

  • Aromatherapy: In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with the rise of aromatherapy, Roman chamomile essential oil gained popularity for its calming and soothing effects. It was used in therapeutic practices to address stress, anxiety, and various physical ailments.
  • Modern Usage: Today, Roman chamomile essential oil is widely used in aromatherapy, skincare, and natural medicine. Its historical significance and proven benefits have solidified its place as a valuable essential oil in contemporary wellness practices.


Cultural Significance

  • Sacred Herb: In various cultures, Roman chamomile was considered a sacred herb with special significance in rituals and healing practices. It was often associated with purification and protection.
  • Traditional Medicine: The plant’s use in traditional medicine across different cultures highlights its versatility and importance. Its historical applications in treating a range of conditions underscore its longstanding value in human health.


Roman chamomile essential oil has a rich history that spans ancient civilizations to modern times. From its revered status in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome to its inclusion in medieval herbal medicine and modern aromatherapy, Roman chamomile has been valued for its soothing, anti-inflammatory, and therapeutic properties. Its historical significance and enduring popularity reflect its efficacy and versatility as a healing herb.




Physical Benefits of Roman Chamomile Essential Oil


Roman chamomile essential oil, extracted from the flowers of Chamaemelum nobile, offers a range of physical benefits due to its potent therapeutic properties. Here’s a detailed look at its physical benefits:



1. Skin Health

  • Anti-Inflammatory: Roman chamomile essential oil is renowned for its anti-inflammatory properties, making it effective in reducing redness, swelling, and irritation in the skin. It’s beneficial for conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, and rosacea.
  • Soothing: Its calming properties help soothe sensitive or inflamed skin, providing relief from itching and discomfort. It can be particularly helpful for soothing dry or irritated skin.
  • Healing: The oil promotes faster healing of minor wounds, cuts, and bruises by reducing inflammation and supporting skin repair. Its gentle nature makes it suitable for use on delicate skin.


2. Digestive Health

  • Digestive Comfort: Roman chamomile essential oil helps alleviate digestive discomfort, including bloating, gas, and indigestion. Its antispasmodic properties can ease cramping and soothe the digestive tract.
  • Nausea Relief: The oil can also help reduce feelings of nausea and support overall digestive wellness when used in moderation.


3. Respiratory Health

  • Respiratory Soothing: The oil has mild expectorant properties that can help relieve symptoms of respiratory congestion and irritation. It can be used to ease coughs and promote easier breathing.
  • Sinus Relief: Roman chamomile essential oil can assist in reducing sinus inflammation and discomfort, making it useful during cold and flu season.


4. Pain Relief

  • Muscle and Joint Pain: Its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties make Roman chamomile essential oil effective for relieving muscle and joint pain. It can be included in massage blends to ease soreness and stiffness.
  • Headaches: The oil may help alleviate tension headaches and migraines due to its calming and soothing effects. Applying diluted oil to the temples or neck can provide relief.


5. Sleep Support

  • Insomnia Relief: Roman chamomile essential oil promotes relaxation and can improve sleep quality. Its calming effects make it an excellent choice for helping with insomnia or disturbed sleep.
  • Calming Nighttime Routine: Diffusing the oil before bedtime or adding it to a bedtime bath can help create a restful environment conducive to sleep.

6. Immune Support

  • Boosting Immunity: The oil’s anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties support the immune system. It can help protect against infections and support overall health.


Roman chamomile essential oil provides a variety of physical benefits, including anti-inflammatory and soothing effects for skin health, digestive comfort, respiratory support, pain relief, and improved sleep quality. By incorporating Roman chamomile into your wellness routine, you can leverage its therapeutic properties to support overall physical well-being.

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Emotional Benefits for Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

1. Stress Reduction and Relaxation

  • Calming Effect: Roman chamomile essential oil has a deeply relaxing aroma that helps to calm the mind and body. It is particularly effective in reducing stress and promoting a sense of tranquility.
  • Stress Relief: The oil helps to alleviate feelings of anxiety and nervousness, making it easier to unwind and relax. Its calming properties create a peaceful atmosphere that supports mental relaxation.


2. Emotional Balance

  • Stabilizing Emotions: Roman chamomile essential oil helps to balance and stabilize emotions. It can be beneficial for managing mood swings and emotional ups and downs.
  • Supports Inner Peace: The soothing aroma of Roman chamomile fosters a sense of inner peace and emotional balance, making it easier to navigate challenging emotions.


3. Relief from Anxiety and Worry

  • Anxiety Management: The oil’s calming effect can help manage symptoms of anxiety, providing comfort and reducing feelings of overwhelm.
  • Soothing Presence: Its gentle, reassuring aroma provides emotional support during times of worry or anxiety, helping to create a sense of safety and calm.


4. Enhanced Sleep Quality

  • Promotes Restful Sleep: Roman chamomile essential oil is known for its sleep-promoting qualities. It helps to calm the mind and body, making it easier to fall asleep and enjoy a restful night’s sleep.
  • Bedtime Routine: Using the oil as part of a bedtime routine can help create a soothing environment that supports better sleep and relaxation.


5. Emotional Healing

  • Facilitates Emotional Release: Roman chamomile can assist in releasing pent-up emotions and fostering emotional healing. It supports a safe space for processing and letting go of negative feelings.
  • Nurturing and Comforting: The oil provides a nurturing and comforting presence that supports emotional healing and self-care.


6. Mood Enhancement

  • Uplifting and Reassuring: While primarily calming, Roman chamomile essential oil also has a mood-enhancing effect. It can uplift spirits and provide reassurance during times of emotional distress.
  • Positive Atmosphere: Its pleasant, sweet aroma creates a positive and calming atmosphere that supports overall emotional well-being.


Roman chamomile essential oil offers significant emotional benefits, including stress reduction, emotional balance, anxiety relief, and enhanced sleep quality. Its calming and soothing properties make it an excellent choice for managing emotional challenges and promoting overall emotional well-being. By incorporating Roman chamomile essential oil into your daily routine, you can support a more balanced and peaceful emotional state.

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Energetic / Spiritual Benefits for Roman Chamomile Essential Oil


Its calming and soothing properties extend beyond physical and emotional well-being, making it a valuable tool for enhancing spiritual practices and energetic balance. Here’s a detailed exploration of its energetic and spiritual benefits:

Energetic / Spiritual Benefits of Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

1. Promotes Inner Peace and Harmony

  • Cultivates Calmness: Roman chamomile essential oil fosters a deep sense of inner peace and tranquility. Its soothing properties help create a serene environment, conducive to meditation and spiritual practices.
  • Balances Energies: The oil helps to balance and harmonize energetic fields, promoting a sense of stability and calm in both the physical and subtle bodies.

2. Supports Spiritual Clarity and Insight

  • Facilitates Meditation: The calming aroma of Roman chamomile essential oil enhances meditation practices by quieting the mind and promoting a deeper state of relaxation. This can lead to greater spiritual clarity and insight.
  • Encourages Reflection: Its gentle, soothing effects create a space for introspection and self-reflection, helping you connect with your inner self and spiritual goals.

3. Enhances Emotional Release and Healing

  • Releases Stagnant Energies: The oil assists in releasing stagnant or blocked emotional energies, allowing for spiritual and emotional healing. It supports the clearing of negative emotions and encourages a fresh, open energetic field.
  • Nurtures Emotional Balance: By promoting emotional balance and stability, Roman chamomile essential oil helps maintain a harmonious energetic state, supporting overall spiritual well-being.


4. Creates a Protective and Nurturing Space

  • Protective Aura: The oil’s calming properties help create a protective energetic barrier, shielding you from negative influences and promoting a safe, nurturing environment.
  • Comforting Presence: Its nurturing aroma provides emotional comfort and reassurance, creating a space where you can feel grounded and supported in your spiritual practices.

5. Encourages Spiritual Growth

  • Facilitates Growth: By promoting relaxation and emotional balance, Roman chamomile essential oil supports spiritual growth and personal development. It helps you stay centered and focused on your spiritual journey.
  • Fosters Connection: The oil encourages a deeper connection with your spiritual self and higher consciousness, enhancing your ability to connect with spiritual guidance and insights.


6. Enhances Dream Work and Sleep

  • Supports Dream Work: Roman chamomile essential oil can be used to enhance dream work and lucid dreaming by promoting a restful and peaceful sleep environment. It helps in accessing deeper layers of the subconscious during sleep.
  • Spiritual Insights: Improved sleep and dream quality can lead to valuable spiritual insights and guidance, supporting your spiritual journey.


Roman chamomile essential oil offers significant energetic and spiritual benefits, including the promotion of inner peace, spiritual clarity, and emotional balance. Its calming and soothing properties enhance meditation, spiritual growth, and dream work, while creating a protective and nurturing space. By incorporating Roman chamomile essential oil into your spiritual practices, you can support a more balanced and connected spiritual journey.

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An Affirmation for Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

"I am at peace with myself and the world around me. I embrace tranquility and inner harmony, allowing my spirit to flow with grace and calm. I release all stress and invite soothing energy into my life, nurturing my journey towards balance and self-discovery."


How to Use This Affirmation with Roman Chamomile Essential Oil:


  1. Aromatherapy Diffusion:
    • Instructions: Add a few drops of Roman chamomile essential oil to a diffuser. As the aroma fills the room, repeat the affirmation aloud or silently.
    • Usage Contexts: Use this method during meditation, relaxation, or anytime you need to create a peaceful environment. The calming scent of the oil enhances the affirmation, promoting a serene atmosphere.
  2. Meditation:
    • Instructions: While meditating, either diffuse Roman chamomile essential oil in your space or use it in a personal inhaler. As you meditate, focus on the affirmation, allowing the calming aroma to deepen your meditative state.
    • Usage Contexts: Incorporate the affirmation during your meditation practice to enhance relaxation and spiritual clarity.
  3. Topical Application:
    • Instructions: Dilute Roman chamomile essential oil with a carrier oil (such as jojoba or coconut) and apply it to pulse points, such as your wrists, neck, or behind your ears. As you apply the oil, repeat the affirmation.
    • Usage Contexts: Use this method when you need a personal reminder of tranquility and balance throughout the day or during moments of stress.
  4. Relaxing Bath:
    • Instructions: Add a few drops of Roman chamomile essential oil to a warm bath, mixed with a carrier oil or bath salts. As you soak, repeat the affirmation to immerse yourself in a relaxing and peaceful experience.
    • Usage Contexts: Ideal for winding down before bedtime or during a self-care ritual. The combination of the soothing bath and calming aroma helps reinforce the affirmation.
  5. Journaling:
    • Instructions: While journaling, diffuse Roman chamomile essential oil in your space or use it in a personal inhaler. Use the affirmation as a prompt for your reflections, allowing the calming aroma to support your introspection.
    • Usage Contexts: This method can help facilitate a reflective and balanced journaling session, promoting emotional clarity and inner peace.


Using this affirmation with Roman chamomile essential oil enhances its calming and balancing effects, supporting relaxation and emotional well-being. By integrating the affirmation into various practices, such as diffusion, meditation, topical application, and bathing, you can deepen your connection to the oil’s soothing properties and foster a state of inner peace and harmony.



Irish Apothecary's Own Brand
100% Pure Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

Botanical Name Anthemis nobilis 
Origin UK
Family Asteraceae
Plant Part Flower Head
Extraction Steam Distillation
Note Middle
Colour Clear
Consistency Thin
Scent An intense warm Apple / Melon odour
Blends With Citrus, floral, spicy and woodsy oils.
Group Floral


The purest and finest of essential oils bringing you the best of natural medicine for your physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Amber Glass with aluminium cap, product includes a dropper and pipette enclosed. 


Approximate Weight

10ml = 40g

30ml = 80g

50ml = 120g


This pure essential oil is undiluted, unadulterated and created just for you. It can be used in your diffuser (3-5 drops, depending on diffuser size, for whole water capacity), in your skincare, applied directly on the skin (patch test first), 15 drops per 100ml with good filtered water to make a mist or as you please. It is very effective with the tunnelling method or for an instant energy change.

When we diffuse an essential oil, we passively ingest the molecules in the air. As they enter our bloodstream, we are benefitting from the intelligence and healing properties of the oil.

Close lid tightly during uses. If you are using your product with the pipette on frequent usage, ensure the pipette is empty when placing back into your product. It is best to store your pipette separately if not in frequent use. This will prevent your pipette from degenerating and your oil evaporating. It is advisable to patch test product before use. Keep out of direct reach from children. Store in a cool dry place. Take necessary precautions when using other medicines.

A 100% pure essential oil wouldn’t typically be used on an oil burner as its medicinal healing benefits will burn off. We would use a fragrance oil on an oil burner as it blooms with heat and evokes the sensory organs for you to respond and feel a certain way. They can be found

About Nicole

Founder of Irish Apothecary, Nicole is passionate about helping people take control of their health and well-being. An expert in apothecary With decades of experience and an abundance of qualifications, she empowers anyone to step into their full power and live with authenticity, balance, optimal health, and confidence. Join her online webinars and courses to discover the power of apothecary and feel renewed, revitalized, and reconditioned. Subscribe for updates on her sustainable approach to inner peace and happiness.

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