Lemon Verbena, 100% Pure Essential Oil

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Irish Apothecary's Own Brand
100% Pure Essential Oil

Lemon Verbena oil is a member of the Verbenaceae family and blends well with camphoraceous, citrus, herby, floral, minty, spicy and woodsy oils.

Lemon verbena essential oil’s intricate aroma, with its blend of citrusy, herbal, sweet, floral, and woody notes, makes it a versatile and cherished essential oil for a variety of aromatic and therapeutic applications.


Top Notes:

  • Citrusy and Bright: The initial aroma of lemon verbena essential oil is intensely citrusy and bright. This top note is immediately uplifting and invigorating, reminiscent of freshly cut lemons.
  • Fresh and Zesty: Alongside the citrus brightness, there is a fresh and zesty quality that enhances the overall sharpness of the scent. It’s like the invigorating smell of a lemon grove on a sunny day.


Middle (Heart) Notes:

  • Herbal and Green: As the scent develops, herbal and green notes emerge, adding complexity and depth. This herbaceous quality is reminiscent of crushed lemon verbena leaves, providing a slightly earthy and botanical feel.
  • Slightly Sweet: There is a subtle sweetness that balances the sharp citrus notes, making the aroma more rounded and appealing. This sweetness adds a gentle warmth to the scent, preventing it from being too harsh or acidic.


Base Notes:

  • Soft and Floral: The base notes of lemon verbena essential oil are soft and mildly floral. These undertones lend a delicate elegance to the overall aroma, enhancing its complexity and depth.
  • Mildly Woody: There is also a faint woody undertone that provides a grounding effect, adding a subtle layer of warmth and richness to the fresh and zesty top notes.


Overall Characteristics: Lemon verbena essential oil offers a vibrant and refreshing aroma that is both complex and well-balanced. It starts with a bright and citrusy top note, followed by herbal and slightly sweet middle notes, and finishes with soft floral and woody base notes. The overall scent is uplifting, invigorating, and energizing, yet it has a soothing and calming undertone that makes it versatile and appealing.


Descriptive Analogies:

  • Sunny Lemon Grove: The scent can be likened to walking through a sunny lemon grove, where the air is filled with the invigorating aroma of fresh lemons and green leaves.
  • Fresh Lemon Zest: Imagine the sharp and fresh smell of zesting a lemon, combined with the subtle sweetness and herbal notes of the lemon verbena plant.
  • Botanical Garden: The herbaceous and floral aspects of the aroma evoke the feeling of being in a lush botanical garden, surrounded by a variety of fragrant plants and flowers.


Usage Contexts:

  • Aromatherapy: Lemon verbena essential oil is widely used in aromatherapy for its mood-enhancing and energizing properties. It helps to reduce stress, improve focus, and uplift the spirits.
  • Perfumery: Its complex and refreshing aroma makes it a valuable ingredient in natural perfumery. Lemon verbena oil is often used as a top note in fragrance compositions, adding brightness and vibrancy.
  • Skincare: The oil’s refreshing and soothing properties make it a popular addition to skincare products, helping to revitalize and tone the skin.
  • Home Fragrance: Lemon verbena essential oil is used in diffusers, room sprays, and candles to create a fresh and invigorating atmosphere in living spaces.

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The history of lemon verbena essential oil is rich and varied, spanning centuries and continents. From its early use by indigenous peoples in South America to its introduction to Europe by Spanish explorers, lemon verbena has been cherished for its aromatic and medicinal properties. Its popularity grew in the 18th and 19th centuries, particularly in the perfume industry and Victorian households. The development of steam distillation allowed for the extraction of essential oils, making lemon verbena more accessible for use in aromatherapy and natural medicine. Today, organic lemon verbena essential oil is celebrated for its uplifting and calming effects, used in aromatherapy, skincare, perfumery, and culinary applications.

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Origins and Early Use:

  • Native to South America: Lemon verbena (Aloysia citriodora) is native to South America, specifically Argentina, Chile, and Peru. Indigenous peoples in these regions used the plant for its medicinal properties long before it became known to the rest of the world.
  • Medicinal Uses: The indigenous cultures utilized lemon verbena for its soothing and digestive benefits. It was commonly used in teas to relieve digestive issues, reduce fever, and as a general tonic.


Introduction to Europe:

  • Brought to Europe: Lemon verbena was brought to Europe by Spanish explorers in the 17th century. They discovered the plant during their conquests and were captivated by its refreshing lemon scent.
  • European Cultivation: The plant quickly gained popularity in Europe for its aromatic and medicinal properties. It was cultivated in botanical gardens and became a favourite in English, French, and Spanish herb gardens.


18th and 19th Centuries:

  • Perfume Industry: By the 18th century, lemon verbena had become a popular ingredient in the perfume industry. Its fresh, citrusy aroma was highly valued, and it was used in a variety of fragrances and scented products.
  • Victorian Era: During the Victorian era, lemon verbena was a common addition to potpourri and sachets used to scent linens and clothing. It was also a popular flavouring in culinary applications, especially in teas and desserts.


Modern Era:

  • Essential Oil Extraction: The development of steam distillation in the 19th and 20th centuries allowed for the extraction of essential oils from lemon verbena. This method captured the plant's aromatic compounds, making it more accessible for use in aromatherapy and natural medicine.
  • Aromatherapy: In the 20th century, lemon verbena essential oil gained popularity in aromatherapy for its uplifting and calming effects. It became known for its ability to reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance mental clarity.


Organic Cultivation:

  • Rise of Organic Practices: With growing awareness of environmental and health concerns, the demand for organic essential oils increased. Organic lemon verbena is cultivated without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers, ensuring a pure and sustainable product.
  • Certification Standards: Organic certification standards have been established to ensure the quality and purity of lemon verbena essential oil. These standards promote sustainable agriculture and protect the environment.


Contemporary Uses:

  • Aromatherapy: Today, lemon verbena essential oil is widely used in aromatherapy for its refreshing and mood-enhancing properties. It is often diffused to create a calming and invigorating atmosphere.
  • Skincare and Cosmetics: The oil's soothing and revitalizing properties make it a popular ingredient in skincare and cosmetic products. It is used in lotions, creams, and serums to tone and rejuvenate the skin.
  • Perfumery: Lemon verbena continues to be a valued component in natural perfumery. Its bright, citrusy scent is used to add freshness and complexity to fragrances.
  • Culinary Uses: Lemon verbena is also used as a flavouring in culinary applications, particularly in herbal teas, desserts, and beverages.




Physical Benefits of Lemon Verbena Essential Oil


By incorporating lemon verbena essential oil into your daily routine, you can harness its wide range of physical benefits, promoting overall health and well-being.


1. Digestive Health:

  • Aids Digestion: Lemon verbena essential oil is known for its ability to promote healthy digestion. It can help alleviate symptoms of indigestion, bloating, and gas by stimulating the digestive system.
  • Reduces Stomach Cramps: Its antispasmodic properties help to relax the muscles of the digestive tract, reducing stomach cramps and discomfort.


2. Anti-Inflammatory Properties:

  • Reduces Inflammation: Lemon verbena essential oil has strong anti-inflammatory effects that can help reduce inflammation in the body. This makes it useful for conditions like arthritis, where inflammation is a major symptom.
  • Soothes Irritated Skin: When diluted and applied topically, it can soothe irritated or inflamed skin, providing relief from conditions like eczema and dermatitis.


3. Antioxidant Benefits:

  • Fights Free Radicals: The essential oil is rich in antioxidants, which help to combat free radicals in the body. This can reduce oxidative stress and lower the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.
  • Promotes Skin Health: The antioxidants in lemon verbena oil also support skin health by protecting against environmental damage and promoting a youthful appearance.


4. Antimicrobial Properties:

  • Fights Infections: Lemon verbena essential oil has antimicrobial properties that make it effective in fighting bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. It can be used to clean wounds and prevent infections.
  • Supports Oral Health: Its antimicrobial effects can help improve oral health when used as a mouthwash, reducing the risk of gum disease and bad breath.


5. Pain Relief:

  • Eases Muscle Pain: The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of lemon verbena essential oil make it effective in relieving muscle pain and soreness. It can be used in massage blends to soothe overworked muscles.
  • Relieves Joint Pain: The oil can also be beneficial for those suffering from joint pain, including conditions like arthritis.


6. Respiratory Health:

  • Clears Congestion: Inhaling lemon verbena essential oil can help clear respiratory congestion and alleviate symptoms of colds, coughs, and sinusitis.
  • Eases Asthma Symptoms: Its anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce inflammation in the airways, providing relief for asthma sufferers.


7. Immune System Support:

  • Boosts Immunity: The antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of lemon verbena essential oil support the immune system, helping to protect against infections and illnesses.
  • Reduces Fever: It has been traditionally used to help reduce fever due to its antipyretic properties.



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Emotional Benefits of Lemon Verbena Essential Oil


By integrating lemon verbena essential oil into your daily routine, you can harness its powerful emotional benefits to promote relaxation, improve mood, reduce anxiety, and enhance overall emotional and spiritual well-being.


1. Stress Relief:

  • Calming Effect: Lemon verbena essential oil has a calming and soothing effect on the mind. Its fresh, citrusy aroma helps to reduce stress and promote relaxation, creating a sense of tranquillity.
  • Alleviates Anxiety: The uplifting scent of lemon verbena can help alleviate anxiety and nervous tension, making it an effective natural remedy for anxious feelings.


2. Mood Enhancement:

  • Uplifting Properties: The bright, invigorating aroma of lemon verbena essential oil is known for its ability to uplift the mood and promote a positive outlook. It can help reduce feelings of sadness and depression.
  • Combats Mental Fatigue: The energizing properties of lemon verbena essential oil help to combat mental fatigue and improve overall mental clarity and alertness.


3. Emotional Balance:

  • Stabilizes Emotions: Lemon verbena essential oil helps to balance emotions, making it easier to manage mood swings and emotional instability. It promotes a sense of emotional equilibrium and inner peace.
  • Encourages Positive Thinking: The refreshing aroma encourages positive thinking and helps to dispel negative thoughts, fostering a more optimistic mindset.


4. Enhanced Focus and Concentration:

  • Improves Focus: The stimulating effects of lemon verbena essential oil can help to improve focus and concentration. It is beneficial for tasks that require mental clarity and attention.
  • Supports Cognitive Function: The oil’s ability to clear mental fog and enhance cognitive function makes it useful for studying or working.


5. Spiritual Connection:

  • Deepens Meditation: Lemon verbena essential oil is often used in meditation and spiritual practices for its ability to calm the mind and enhance spiritual connection. It helps to create a serene and focused environment.
  • Encourages Mindfulness: The oil supports mindfulness practices by promoting presence and awareness, helping individuals stay grounded and centered.


6. Emotional Healing:

  • Supports Emotional Release: Lemon verbena essential oil aids in releasing pent-up emotions and unresolved feelings, promoting emotional healing and inner peace.
  • Encourages Forgiveness: The calming and balancing properties of lemon verbena oil help to foster forgiveness and letting go of past emotional pain.



Energetic / Spiritual Benefits of Lemon Verbena Essential Oil


By incorporating lemon verbena essential oil into your spiritual and energetic practices, you can enhance your emotional healing, deepen your spiritual connection, cleanse and protect your energy, and promote overall harmony and balance within yourself and your environment.


1. Spiritual Awakening:

  • Enhancing Intuition: Lemon verbena essential oil is believed to enhance intuition and spiritual awareness. Its refreshing and uplifting properties help clear the mind, making it easier to tune into inner wisdom and insights.
  • Promoting Spiritual Growth: The oil supports spiritual growth and self-discovery, helping individuals connect more deeply with their inner selves and higher consciousness.


2. Grounding and Centering:

  • Grounding Energy: Despite its uplifting qualities, lemon verbena also has grounding properties that help anchor the spirit in the present moment. It provides stability and a sense of rootedness, essential for spiritual practices and mindfulness.
  • Centering the Mind: The oil helps to center the mind and spirit, promoting focus and clarity during meditation and other spiritual practices.


3. Energy Cleansing:

  • Purifying Aura and Spaces: Lemon verbena essential oil can be used to cleanse negative energies from the aura and living spaces. It purifies and uplifts the energy, creating a more harmonious and positive environment.
  • Spiritual Protection: The oil is also believed to offer spiritual protection, shielding one from negative influences and energies.


4. Enhancing Meditation:

  • Deepening Meditation: When used in meditation, lemon verbena essential oil can deepen the practice by promoting mental clarity and focus. Its calming and refreshing properties help to quiet the mind and facilitate a state of inner peace.
  • Emotional Release: It supports the release of emotional blockages during meditation, allowing for a more profound and transformative experience.


5. Balancing Energy:

  • Harmonizing Energies: Lemon verbena essential oil helps to balance the body's energy, harmonizing both the physical and subtle bodies. It aligns the chakras, promoting a sense of overall well-being and energetic balance.
  • Revitalizing Spirit: The oil’s energizing properties help to revitalize the spirit, providing a boost of positive energy and motivation.


6. Emotional Healing:

  • Encourages Forgiveness: The oil aids in the process of forgiveness and letting go, helping individuals move forward from past hurts and emotional pain.
  • Supports Emotional Release: Lemon verbena essential oil helps to release emotional blockages and past traumas. It is often used in emotional healing practices to facilitate the processing of unresolved emotions and promote inner peace.



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An Affirmation for Lemon Verbena Essential Oil


"I am uplifted, clear, and energized. The refreshing essence of lemon verbena fills me with positivity and light. As I breathe in its invigorating aroma, I release negativity and embrace a renewed sense of purpose and clarity. Lemon verbena supports my emotional balance and enhances my spiritual awareness. With each breath, I feel more centered, vibrant, and connected to my inner strength."


How to Use This Affirmation:


  1. Morning Ritual:
    • Step 1: Apply a drop of diluted lemon verbena essential oil to your wrists or temples.
    • Step 2: Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and slowly repeat the affirmation: "I am uplifted, clear, and energized."
    • Step 3: Visualize the oil’s energy spreading throughout your body, filling you with light and positivity for the day ahead.
  2. Meditation Practice:
    • Step 1: Diffuse lemon verbena essential oil in your meditation space.
    • Step 2: Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take several deep breaths.
    • Step 3: Silently or aloud, repeat the affirmation: "I am uplifted, clear, and energized."
    • Step 4: Focus on the scent and the words, allowing them to deepen your meditation and enhance your spiritual connection.
  3. Evening Wind-Down:
    • Step 1: Add a few drops of lemon verbena essential oil to a diffuser or a warm bath.
    • Step 2: As you relax, take slow, deep breaths, inhaling the refreshing aroma.
    • Step 3: Recite the affirmation: "I am uplifted, clear, and energized."
    • Step 4: Let the fragrance and the affirmation guide you into a state of peace and tranquility, preparing you for restful sleep.
  4. Daily Reminder:
    • Step 1: Carry a small bottle of lemon verbena essential oil with you.
    • Step 2: Whenever you feel stressed or unbalanced, apply a drop to your wrists, inhale deeply, and repeat the affirmation: "I am uplifted, clear, and energized."
    • Step 3: Allow the aroma and the affirmation to center you and restore your sense of calm and confidence.
  5. Chakra Balancing:
    • Step 1: Dilute lemon verbena essential oil with a carrier oil and anoint your solar plexus chakra (above the navel) or heart chakra (center of the chest).
    • Step 2: Lie down or sit comfortably, placing your hands over the anointed area.
    • Step 3: Repeat the affirmation: "I am uplifted, clear, and energized."
    • Step 4: Visualize the energy of the oil balancing and energizing your chakras, promoting strength and emotional stability.


Using this affirmation in conjunction with lemon verbena essential oil can enhance its benefits, promoting emotional balance, spiritual connection, and personal empowerment in your daily life.

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Irish Apothecary's Own Brand
100% Pure Lemon Verbena Essential Oil

Botanical Name Lippia citriodora
Origin Italy
Family Verbenaceae
Plant Part Leaves
Extraction Steam Distillation
Note Top
Colour Pale off white to light yellow
Consistency Thick
Scent Characteristic, Fresh Lemon
Blends With Camphoraceous, citrus, herby, floral, minty, spicy and woodsy oils
Group Citrus


The purest and finest of essential oils bringing you the best of natural medicine for your physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Amber Glass with aluminium cap, product includes a dropper and pipette enclosed. 


Approximate Weight

10ml = 40g

30ml = 80g

50ml = 120g



This pure essential oil is undiluted, unadulterated and created just for you. It can be used in your diffuser (3-5 drops, depending on diffuser size, for whole water capacity), in your skincare, applied directly on the skin (patch test first) or as you please. It is very effective with the tunnelling method or for an instant energy change. 
When we diffuse an essential oil, we passively ingest the molecules in the air. As they enter our bloodstream, we are benefitting from the intelligence and healing properties of the blend. Bring or send back your bottle for a same blend refill and receive €1.50 off your purchase price! 

Close lid tightly during uses. It is best to store your pipette separately. If you are using your product with the pipette on frequent usage, ensure the pipette is empty when placing back into your product. This will prevent your pipette from degenerating. It is advisable to patch test product before use. Do not ingest. Keep out of direct reach from children. Store in a cool dry place. Take necessary precautions when using other medicines and during pregnancy.

An essential oil wouldn’t typically be used on an oil burner as its medicinal healing benefits will be burned off. We would use a fragrance oil on an oil burner as it blooms with heat and evokes the sensory organs for you to respond and feel a certain way. They can be found here.

Amber Glass with aluminium cap, product includes a dropper and pipette enclosed. 

About Nicole

Founder of Irish Apothecary, Nicole is passionate about helping people take control of their health and well-being. An expert in apothecary With decades of experience and an abundance of qualifications, she empowers anyone to step into their full power and live with authenticity, balance, optimal health, and confidence. Join her online webinars and courses to discover the power of apothecary and feel renewed, revitalized, and reconditioned. Subscribe for updates on her sustainable approach to inner peace and happiness.

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